Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Good Times Jar

There are periods of every person's life where they realize a focus on the joys has taken a backseat to a focus on the frustrations. Things sneak up, build up, and eventually those little pleasures are forgotten.

But aren't those little things what really make life amazing?

Yesterday, Adam worked an overnight shift, got home around 6:30AM, and then had to be back up for court by 8:30AM. He was hoping for a short session, but four hours later, he still wasn't home. To be honest, I was expecting a bucket full of crabby husband when he made it back, but that wasn't the case.

In to our home bounded a jovial, light on his feet chap instead! He spun me around, hugged me close, and told me, "My life is wonderful! I have an amazing wife, a beautiful home, a career I have always wanted, and an annoying cat." (Poor PP, he didn't mean it!) His sentiments reminded me that I was not off track in the crafty creation I had been working on while he was gone...

Good Times Jar

I'm not sure where I saw this the first time, but I know Pinterest had a hand in it. The idea is to have a place to keep all your precious joys throughout the year, to be opened on the following New Year's Eve. It helps to refocus your family on how many good things really do happen in the span of a year.

With the help of a little Modge Podge and glitter, transforming a few leftover from the wedding mason jars into Good Times Jars was easy as pie. Plus, I now have glitter all over my living room...sorry honey!

Start by taping off the design you would like on your jar. I made a few half dipped and a few total glitter glories! Then it is a simple as painting on some Modge Podge and sprinkling fine glitter on top.  For a little something extra, I painted the lids with chalkboard paint and made a little label.

This project started as a way for Adam and I to make our own happy tradition, but it ended up being an inexpensive (yet totally cute!) gift for a few good friends. I'm even thinking about giving to a couple who's wedding we are celebrating this weekend (I'll include a little cash of course ;-)).

So what do you think? Is this a project that could help you remember those amazing little things? Those things that add up to great, big joys?

Happy New Year, everyone!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Week Three: Capture December

Day 17: Presents
We are continuing the tradition! Both of us agree that the 12 Dates for Christmas was one of the best things we could have ever done for our marriage, so we see no reason to stop now!

Day 18: Stockings

These were our stockings for a majority of the season. They are cute, but I wanted something a little different...
So, I took advantage of Target's 30% off sale and bought these cuties! Adam isn't a huge fan, but he knows they make me smile. Imagine them with sparkly initial pins next year!

Day 19: Candy Cane

A candy cane candle works, right?

Day 20: Tree Topper
This is my favorite, of all time, tree topper...the only problem? It is too heavy for a tree...

Day 21: Peace 

I was feeling a little sassy for this day :-) 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

November Date

I'm running behind on these updates, but the year of dates has almost come to a close! November has always been a busy month for Adam and I, so when I was planning this month's envelope, an at home date seemed perfect.


Happy Birthday month to US! 

I’m sure we will not lack for dates and 

special nights this month, so I thought we 

could do something a bit more low key. Wii 

together game night! I’m entering your 

gaming realm, and I hope you’ll teach me a 

thing or two. Who knows, maybe I’ll have 

beginners luck and kick your tuckus ;-)

With both of our birthdays, I knew finding a free day would be hard. However, it was even tougher than imagined. Three separate occasions were planned and passed on before our Wii Night adventure came to pass the afternoon before Thanksgiving.

Mario and Sonic 2012 London Olympics was decided upon, and we geared up for a few hours of wine, competitive spirits, and many fits of laughter (namely when I tried to throw a discus!). I can understand why gaming is such a huge industry. While we played our 60 minutes, everything else in the world melted away. We even decided to go old school and play some Big Town Shootout after Adam won the gold medal.

If you are unfamiliar with Big Town Shootout, take a moment to imagine Duck Hunt guns in a wild west setting. So easy, yet so hard!

Wii date night + the joy of Thanksgiving break + my rocking fake gun skills + Adam's smile = one fantastic November date!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Week Two: Capturing December

Day 8: Ornaments

Day 9: Something You're Reading

The life of a teacher...though we are having quite a good time solving the mystery!

Day 10: Wrapping Paper 

Day 11: Green

Again, the life of a teacher. One of my student's coded this tractor. He has since added many more details!

Are we seeing a theme? My students are working hard to finalize their golf courses before break!

Day 12: A Beautiful Sight 

The School House is the most beautiful place at Christmas!

Day 13: Tradition and Friends

I am a sucker for tradition! I have loved Hunter Bros. Tree Farm since high school, and this year I was able to share it with new friends!  Miss Emily has been visiting for the last seven years, but this was a first for Andrea and Lindsay. It was a GREAT day!

And that great day was followed by a pretty fun ugly sweater party. 

Day 14: Christmas Tree

Day 15: My Favorite Christmas Song

This isn't my favorite rendition, but I love this song! Happy Holidays! 

Friday, December 12, 2014


A young man, a former student, a brother, and a son suffered a brain aneurysm a few days ago and within hours, passed away .

Erik was one of those students who exuded life. I only taught him briefly, as he wasn't in my third grade room back at Sacred Heart, but his family was present all around the school.  He lived his Catholic faith. He was one of the students who gave me faith that the Catholic Church had a future. I am sure Tuesday evening was spent pouring out prayers from all who knew Erik, but soon we found out God had called him to Heaven.

The strange thing is, he was not a student that I kept track of after leaving SHS. Other than the occasional update from teachers still at the school, my path had a very slim chance of ever crossing his again. Yet, I have been struggling with the news. The smallest things will remind me of his passing, my heart will break (yet again) for his family and friends, and before I know it, I am choking back tears.  

He was only twenty years old. He was too young to take his journey, though there is no doubt he is an amazing angle.

When tragedies such as this happen, I always come to the same conclusion; hug your family tight, remind them that they are loved, and thank God every day for the goodness in your world.

Live your life with intention, purpose, and passion.

Rest in peace young man. For in this world, you will be missed.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26  

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week One Capture December

Day 1: My View
On the first day of December, I was reminded how lucky I am to have this view from our home. 

Day 2: Your Favorite Holiday Movie
It is an oldie, but a goodie! 

Day 3: Red

There happened to be a variety of red in my classroom this year. Markers for my students, a high heel tape dispenser (a must for any cool teacher), my lunch, and a flower from Adam that reminds me every day to smile. 

Day 4: Joyous

After almost a year and a half, our wedding album finally arrived! I was like a kid on Christmas when I saw the package leaning on the front door! Best. Day. Ever!

Day 5: Today's Temperature

42 degrees in Iowa in December? This coming weekend is supposed to be 54 degrees! What is going on?

Day 6: Shopping
Other than Adam's stocking stuffers, I completed all of my Christmas shopping on the 6th! I'm feeling a bit like Superwoman!

Day 7: Bright
While visiting my grandma on the 7th, I was inspired by how bright she still is at 95 years old. She my be deteriorating physically, but her mind is still sharp. During our visit, she was telling me about all of the books she has been listening to, stories of our family, and all the new friends she has made at Homestead. She is a pretty funny lady! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sugar Free...Lasagna?

My goal in the last two weeks was to find a great, grain free alternative to lasagna. I have Italian blood in me, and I LOVE ooey, gooey, cheesy lasagna...but now that I'm sugar free/partially grain free, the old school recipe just hasn't been working for my stomach.

Therefore, a battle of the Italian hybrids began: cauliflower noodles vs. sliced eggplant noodles. Both made with my traditional recipe, sans generic noodles.

Cauliflower Lasagna

I adapted a recipe from The Iron You for these noodles. They were time consuming, though for the most part, it was just like making a cauliflower pizza crust. Tons of squeezing! While Mike (The Iron You author) said that the cauliflower rice would only need to be microwaved for 4 minutes, I ended up zapping it for almost 11 before it was ready. While the microwave is a cleaner method than boiling, I'm not sure it saves any time.

Then it was on to assembly; noodles, sauce, meat, cottage cheese, mozzarella, repeat. Bake until brown and bubbly. For me it was a total win! And, like most lasagna, it was even better on day two!

Eggplant Lasagna

If you're looking for an easy and quick assembly, this is probably the way to go. Simply slice the noodles into thin slices, and assemble like normal. I had a hard time getting the noodles as thin as I would have liked, but it was a 10 minute prep time (including beef cooking time!), and then in the oven for an hour. Easy as...well lasagna!

The only issue I saw from this method was how watery the final product was. Since the eggplant wasn't precooked, all the juices seeped into the lasagna while in the oven. Though, the use of a latte spatula solved this conundrum quickly.

And the winner is....

Eggplant! While I preferred the taste of the cauliflower noodles, ease of preparation will always win out. The cauliflower lasagna took almost 2 hours from beginning to bubbling end, while the eggplant was 1 hour and 10 minutes...and 60 of those minutes were in the oven. When coupled with the fact that Adam preferred the eggplant taste and texture, there was no denying the win.

Both will make appearances in our home again, though cauliflower may only be when I'm feeling ambitious.

Do you have other ideas for a grain free lasagna that I can try?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Capturing December

This month, will be a little different. While I still plan on my regular Molly Did What! posts (that aren't always so regular), I will also write a weekly post about the picture a day challenge that Emily posed last night.

I'm pretty excited for Capturing December! So, if you want to join in, I would LOVE to see your photos! Post them in the comments, or use #capturingdecember on Instagram so the whole world can see.

Let the holiday spirit begin!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thankful Thanksgiving

This year there was a change in our Thanksgiving tradition. Growing up, Thanksgiving was always hosted at my childhood home. When I say always, I mean it. If you remember, I just celebrated my thirtieth birthday two weeks ago, and thirty years ago, my mom hosted Thanksgiving. Do the math on that one. She must have been superwoman. Nonetheless, it was tradition for my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, brother and parents to gather around two or three tables and gorge ourselves in the food that Mom had worked on for what seemed like days.

It. Was. Awesome.

In recent years, however, things have changed a bit. My ninety-four year old grandmother doesn't get around like she used to, so the family has gathered to eat at her assisted living abode. While seeing Grandma surrounded by family means the world, the canned sweet potatoes and soggy ham wasn't exactly appetizing.

So when Dad told me there was a change in plans this year, I was surprised but pleased. It was fairly obvious that he was nervous about telling me (I'm a stickler for tradition), but the thought of homemade Thanksgiving food erased any sadness.

This year we celebrated at my Aunt Lori's, and to tell you the truth, it was downright fun! Good food, everyone was in a good mood, and we even gave in to Mom's charade request.

Please picture eleven adults ranging from 26-61 years of age acting out movies, songs, and books. The highlight may have been when my sister-in-law pulled Sex Tape out of the hat. Good moves, Ashlynn!

Overall, I'd say I am quite pleased with the new tradition, and I hope it continues for years to come.

Now I just need to get through the Thanksgiving I'm hosting for Adam's side of the family tomorrow! Apparently, I am my mother's daughter.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gallery Wall

There is this wall in my dining room that has been bothering me fifteen months. Fifteen months also happens to be how long we have owned our home. Do you see the correlation?

It is this weirdly (in my opinion) sized blank space that has eluded my decorative talents. Throughout our time in this house, many things have been propped up, taped to, or leaned against this wall...but nothing made me happy. 

Until now!

Last weekend, with the help of Emily, I finally hung up a gorgeous (again, in my opinion) gallery wall. It is filled with memories and mementos from our life, and the best part cost ZERO dollars!  
Painting over an old frame with chalkboard paint!

More re-purposing! A fresh coat of paint make this F like new again!

Please excuse my awesome hair and clothes :-)

If you ever decide to tackle your own gallery wall, here are a few tips. 
  1. Search your storage. Everything on this wall of joy was in a closet or displayed somewhere else in the house! There is no reason to go out and buy something new when chances are, you have something awesome stored away that you can re-purpose.
  2. Play with the design on the floor first. We went through several versions before settling on the final design. It is good to visualize what items will look good together and give yourself room for error before making unnecessary holes in the walls. 
  3. Speaking of unnecessary holes, trace out your final design onto a large piece of paper. Then tape said paper to the wall. This way you can level it all out first. Simply nail through the paper and remove later!
  4. Choose things that mean something. Included on our wall is a calendar holder made by Adam's grandpa, a picture of my grandma in her 20's, our wedding invitation, and several other pieces that make me smile every time I walk in the house. 
And there you have it. Only fifteen months later, and that once annoying wall is now one of my favorite things to gaze at. 

warms my heart

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Turning the Big 3-0

It is official. I am thirty. It has been a long time coming (30 years to be exact), but I made it. When someone brought up this birthday in the months and weeks leading up to November, my face would automatically twist into an uncomfortable grimace.

I was going to stay 29 forever. Period. End of story. Or, at least until my husband caught up with me.

While I just turned 30, the handsome man standing next to me in life is still 26. Yes, yes, soon to be 27, but who's counting?

Birthday Party

Apparently, I was! That is...until last Monday. There were only five days left in my 20's, the weekend hadn't been long enough, and I was grumpy. I sent my daily email to Mrs. Emily Miska, and it was dripping with bad attitudes and societal pressures about getting old. I was set in my anger about the pending age change, but Emily was having none of it.

Here was her reply:

"Okay missy miss, this is your PEP UP wake up call!!! Time for a little tough love. Age is just a number, seriously. Think about this -- you are MUCH healthier this year at this time than you were last year at this time, both mentally and physically. You are not getting old, you are gaining life experience that is shaping you into the person you are today. I know it is so hard to think about turning 30 because of all the negativity surrounding it, but I have heard over and over that people’s 30's are their favorite years. The best is yet to come, my friend."

Talk about a much needed swift kick in the tush!

She was so right! Why was I putting so much emphasis on a number? Twenty-nine was one of the hardest years of my life. There were some serious changes and choices I had to make for my health and sanity. Sugar free became my mantra. I learned to understand and stand up for my own needs. Truly open lines of communication became a part of our marriage. I made a long awaited change in my career, and...

I have never been happier. I think this 30's thing is going to be alright.

Birthday Bubbles
Not Sugar Free...but it was a celebration!
And that "best" includes a trip to watch the BEARS!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Pasta Sauce Upgrade

I keep experimenting with different ways to enjoy my previously loved foods (read:PASTA with meat sauce) now that I am sugar free. To be very honest, it isn't always easy! A few weeks ago, I posted about my new favorite cauliflower pizza, which included a sauce recipe. Since then, I have continued to play and think I've made a few improvements.

Behold, a refined sugar-free pasta sauce!


  • 1 medium jalapeno (seeds removed)
  •  3 Roma tomatoes, sliced (optional)
  • 4 large cloves garlic
  • Large sweet onion (chopped)
  • 1T Italian seasoning
  • 2 T balsamic vinegar 
  • 2 14.5 oz cans fire roasted tomatoes
  • 1.5 lbs sausage or ground beef
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place jalapeno, Roma tomatoes, garlic, and onion in a 9x13 roasting pan and cook for 45-50 minutes.  
  2. Once caramelized and delicious, place in a food processor along with the Italian seasoning, balsamic vinegar, and roasted tomatoes.  Pulse until desired consistency is achieved. How easy is that?
  3. Brown beef/sausage and add the processed mixture. Bring to a boil and cook down for 5-10 minutes. The longer it cooks, the sweeter it becomes. 
Boom! Done! Delicious...though I'm sure I'll change it twelve more times ;-) 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

October Date

Talk about taking a hiatus from writing! Three weeks later, I have got to get back on track. That being said, is there a better way to get back on track than to write a post about the 12 Dates for Christmas? I certainly don't think so.

On October 1st, Adam opened the following date letter...


Happy Halloween! We will challenge our 

creativity by carving some pumpkins into 

ghoulish (or superhero related) designs! Of 

course, we will have to get our pumpkins at 

the Harvest Barn, so we might as well make 

silly videos while dominating the corn maze!

Over the years, pumpkin carving has become a tradition in the Fitz house. No matter what the world is throwing our way, carving pumpkins in October is a must. Deep down, I realize Adam only goes along with it because traditions turn me into a giddy little girl, but I'm pretty sure he would be just as sad if the tradition fell away. 

Keeping with 12 date tradition, October's date became a two-parter (go figure!) because we couldn't find a day close enough to Halloween that would work for both the corn maze and carving.

So, without further adieu, the perfect fall date!

Part 1: Picture a beautiful 70 degree day with the sun shining and coffee in hand. Close those eyes tight. Can you see it? Does it feel like heaven? If it doesn't, you're crazy. If it does, we must be friends. Now, place yourself in a twisted corn maze with your favorite person in the whole wide world. Did heaven just get better? I am thinking so! Insert laughing, sefies, silly videos of people pretending to be scarecrows, and fall cheer all around. That is what part one was. It was a little slice of perfect the Harvest Barn.

Part 2: Another beautiful day - shorts and a long sleeve t shirt kinda day - with the two of us competing with pictures of our previous year's pumpkins. There was laughter about the new idea to cut hole in the bottom of the pumpkin instead of the top. There were slimy high fives (we had just gutted pumpkins!) upon realizing that we actually own electric candles, and cracking up when our neighbors drove by honking because two people in their late 20's, with no kids, were still taking the time to carve pumpkins. Yep. We are awesome like that.

Halloween 2014: Adam's Jack and Molly's Cyclops 
Halloween 2012 
Halloween 2012

Only two more Christmas dates to go, and I think we may need to continue this date tradition for years to come. After all, how could Adam deny my love for traditions?