Friday, January 2, 2015

Capture December: Catchup!

I lost complete track of Capture December once the holiday break began, so here is my shoddy best effort at playing catchup and making it to the finish line !

Day 22: Tradition
A few days before Christmas, Ashlynn, Ailey, Mariah, and I realized we had not participated in our Christmas cookie tradition! These women are among my very favorite in the world. I am beyond grateful to God for bringing Ashlynn, the best friend/sister a girl could ever have, into my life all those years ago. Which in turn, gave me the opportunity to get to watch Ailey and Mariah grow into the exceptional women they have become. 
Day 23: Scarf
Thank you Mrs. Emily for my new favorite scarf!

Day 24: Favorite Part of Christmas Eve 
The best part of this year's Christmas was that the hubs had Christmas Eve off from work! I love that we were able to spend this holiday together. 
Day 25: Morning 
I certainly do love that nephew of mine; Let me take a selfie! #alinconinhisnaturalenvironment
Day 26: Grateful 
The Fitz family home has a new addition...a treadmill! Thanks Mom and Dad!
Day 27: Night Time
Night time driving is a part of the holiday season!
Day 28: Words 
This is the best description of the first week of Holiday Break! 
Day 29 and 30 didn't happen...

Day 31: Fun
New Year's Eve consisted of dinner with friends, followed by a rousing game of boys vs. girls Pictionary! Cheers!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Classic Date December: Dinner and Lights

2014 was a year of change, but a different type of change than before. 2014 was filled with inner change, inner peace, and finding the joy in life.

Adam and I started this year off in a rough place. He had just returned from the Police Academy to a wife who couldn't find joy in her job and had no desire to be living in small town Iowa. We had somehow lost our ability to communicate with one another, let alone the ability to truly date one another. Dating your spouse sounds a little strange, but in my opinion, it is the best way to keep your relationship in a healthy place.

Twelve months later, Adam and I are in a better place than we have ever been. It fills my heart with felicity to know how far we have come. While it is not always easy, we both know that open communication is the cornerstone of our marriage, and no matter what may come our way, we will face it together.

Which brings me to our "classic" December date for the 12 Dates for Christmas. When Adam opened the last envelope of 2014, this is what he found.

One year ago, I was missing you terribly. You were almost home from the Academy (still proud of you by the way), and all I could think of was how to celebrate having my husband back.  I hope this year of dates has been the wonderful gift of time I had imagined! Though right now, I bet you are giving me that scrunch faced, “Not so much” look just to tease me…but I’m not phased…I LOVE you!
We’re going to round this year off by going to one of your favorites for dinner, followed by Christmas light gazing. Here is to many more dates to come! 

Included with the note was a gift card for Biaggi's, a restaurant Adam loves, but is a little out of our everyday date night budget. He was pretty darn excited!

The food was delicious, and we even skipped sugar free and opted for dessert. Yum!  We decided to forgo big Christmas gifts this year (stockings only), and instead plan six months of dates for 2015. Therefore, we rounded the evening off by stopping at Target with a $30 spending limit to shop for stocking stuffers. I went over budget...oops! Adam made it with pennies to go. But it was for Christmas, so I couldn't help myself.

 We were so excited about our purchases that we immediately put on our footie pajamas when we were home and exchanged stockings. No one can say we are normal, but we sure do have fun!

Overall, these 12 dates have been the most incredible "gift of time" for our happy home. Cheers to continuing the tradition in 2015!
