Friday, November 28, 2014

Thankful Thanksgiving

This year there was a change in our Thanksgiving tradition. Growing up, Thanksgiving was always hosted at my childhood home. When I say always, I mean it. If you remember, I just celebrated my thirtieth birthday two weeks ago, and thirty years ago, my mom hosted Thanksgiving. Do the math on that one. She must have been superwoman. Nonetheless, it was tradition for my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, brother and parents to gather around two or three tables and gorge ourselves in the food that Mom had worked on for what seemed like days.

It. Was. Awesome.

In recent years, however, things have changed a bit. My ninety-four year old grandmother doesn't get around like she used to, so the family has gathered to eat at her assisted living abode. While seeing Grandma surrounded by family means the world, the canned sweet potatoes and soggy ham wasn't exactly appetizing.

So when Dad told me there was a change in plans this year, I was surprised but pleased. It was fairly obvious that he was nervous about telling me (I'm a stickler for tradition), but the thought of homemade Thanksgiving food erased any sadness.

This year we celebrated at my Aunt Lori's, and to tell you the truth, it was downright fun! Good food, everyone was in a good mood, and we even gave in to Mom's charade request.

Please picture eleven adults ranging from 26-61 years of age acting out movies, songs, and books. The highlight may have been when my sister-in-law pulled Sex Tape out of the hat. Good moves, Ashlynn!

Overall, I'd say I am quite pleased with the new tradition, and I hope it continues for years to come.

Now I just need to get through the Thanksgiving I'm hosting for Adam's side of the family tomorrow! Apparently, I am my mother's daughter.

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