Monday, December 8, 2014

Week One Capture December

Day 1: My View
On the first day of December, I was reminded how lucky I am to have this view from our home. 

Day 2: Your Favorite Holiday Movie
It is an oldie, but a goodie! 

Day 3: Red

There happened to be a variety of red in my classroom this year. Markers for my students, a high heel tape dispenser (a must for any cool teacher), my lunch, and a flower from Adam that reminds me every day to smile. 

Day 4: Joyous

After almost a year and a half, our wedding album finally arrived! I was like a kid on Christmas when I saw the package leaning on the front door! Best. Day. Ever!

Day 5: Today's Temperature

42 degrees in Iowa in December? This coming weekend is supposed to be 54 degrees! What is going on?

Day 6: Shopping
Other than Adam's stocking stuffers, I completed all of my Christmas shopping on the 6th! I'm feeling a bit like Superwoman!

Day 7: Bright
While visiting my grandma on the 7th, I was inspired by how bright she still is at 95 years old. She my be deteriorating physically, but her mind is still sharp. During our visit, she was telling me about all of the books she has been listening to, stories of our family, and all the new friends she has made at Homestead. She is a pretty funny lady! 

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