Friday, August 29, 2014

Playing Catch Up

The wonderful and amazing Ashlynn reminded me last night that I have been ignoring my blogging duties, and frankly, she is right! I feel like the last couple months have been on hyper-drive, and I haven't been focusing on some of the things that really make me happy. Maybe that is because I've just plain been happy! Or maybe it is because I'm starting to ignore my own desires again. Who knows!

What I do know is that way back when I first started this blogging adventure, I made a personal promise to keep up with it. Why? Because I love to write, share, cook, laugh, and connect!

So gather 'round ladies and gentlemen! Today is a day for making a WIG (wildly important goal) so all can see: I will focus on what I love to do at least once every day. This may be blogging, trying a new recipe, reading a new book, or practicing yoga. I will accomplish this goal because it will make me a better friend, wife, teacher, and person.

Now I have a favor to ask. Will you keep me accountable? If you are part of my word, or just stumbled upon this website because you want to know about using cauliflower in every recipe...keep me on track! Comment about what makes you happy! What could your WIG be?

Whew! I'm happier already!

PS. I'm in the middle of week three of being sugar free, and I'm LOVING it! I've already lost almost 10 pounds, and my chronic stomach pains have exponentially decreased. One way I've been able to stay (for the most part) successful is through the power of cauliflower! HERE is a link to one cauliflower rice dish we have been eating on a weekly basis. It is a little on the spicy side, but you could always leave out some of the cayenne. Also, I'm a huge proponent of the food processor vs. using a grater.

Happy eating! Happy life!

Cauliflower is the food of sugar free royalty! 

Banana "ice cream" + coffee grounds + raw brownie bites = one happy Fitz

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Great State Fair

Last week I made a public announcement that I was going to go refined sugar free! I was completely jazzed about the endeavor and felt like I might conquer the world. One week later, it is time for an update...

I'm still on board! Amazingly, I am still excited for the journey and believe this might finally be the change that my stomach has been begging for for years! While I continue to find hidden sugar in everything under the sun, it has been easier to stay on track than I had previously imagined.

However, in the interest of transparency, there was one little huge, though conscious, flub up this week.

Enter the amazing, the wonderful, the sugar packed Iowa State Fair! If you are from Iowa (or the Midwest for that matter), you have heard of the number three tourist attraction in America. You have most likely also heard of the nearly 200 food stands and close to 70 foods on a stick that are every turn of the ISF. I grew up going to the fair yearly, eating the food, and showing cattle. So nothing (an appendectomy, a new sugar free regime) was going to stop me from keeping this tradition alive!

That is why I went into the day fully aware that I would be breaking my new sugar free rule...and it was glorious! Here is a list of all the gooey, salty, sweet deliciousness that Adam and I consumed. I'm not embarrassed. I'm from 'Merica!

ISF Food (both stick and not stick variety)

  • Footlong Corn Dog -  both of us
  • Cookies in a Cup - we shared 
  • Deep Fat Fried Snickers - Adam's baby, but I had a bite
  • Chocolate Dipped Key-lime Pie on a Stick - Adam
  • Chocolate Dipped Ice Cream Sandwich on a Stick - All Me! 
  • Gyros - both of us
  • Summer Shandy - one each...Large!
  • Tootsie Rolls - Free! How can you say no?

Ok...maybe I'm a little embarrassed. And I paid the price when we got home. After sugar detoxing my body for a week and a half, there were some serious repercussions after that haul! I was sick until three the next afternoon! 

First beer post surgery! 

Nonetheless, we had a great night together. We signed up for free stuff at the Varied Industries Building, checked out the Butter Cow in the Agriculture building, commented on how funny dairy cattle are in the beef barn, found my name on the alumni wall, and enjoyed some of the best people watching of the year! I loved every minute of it! Plus, I got a night out with my handsome hubby. What's not to love?

We found my best friend, brother and myself on the ISU alumni wall! Silly Eduardo breaking us up...

Maybe next year I will pick ONE off diet delight at the Iowa State Fair. After all, Rodgers and Hammerstein let me know from a young age that, "Our state fair is a great state fair. Don't miss it. Don't even be late!"

 I wouldn't miss it for the world! 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sugar Free: The Way to Be?

A few weeks ago I had a conversation with my dear friend, Amy, about her sugar free experience. She had been up against the same stomach issues I've been dealing with for the last few years when she went sugar free. During her two month sugar cleanse, all these daunting stomach issues went away with an added bonus of a 20 pound weight loss.

I had a hard time imagining a Molly world without sugar. After all, what would I turn to when I had a bad day? Heck, what would I turn to when I had a good day?!

But on my drive home I couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. If sugar free could really get rid of this bloating, twisting, cramping feeling...might it be worth a shot?

The answer ended up being yes! Now, before you roll your eyes and say, "But Molly, what about chocolate?!?!", I have a few tricks up my sleeve. As with any adventure, you have to make it your own; something that will work for you. Sugar is in everything! Sugar is everywhere! And I knew I needed to make my own set of rules. Otherwise, I would cave in less time than a rider gets bucked off a horse. (That is 8 seconds to those of you who aren't as weird as I brother really loved that movie...)

Those of you out there that have succeeded to go completely sugar free are amazing, and my hat is off to you. However, that simply isn't for me. My plan is to eliminate refined sugar. No more mocha cookie coffee creamer. No more bingeing on Blue Bunny. I will have to fill my cravings another way. But I am still allowing fresh fruits because I have a hard time thinking my peach obsession is bad for me.

Will I slip up along the way? Probably. Am I okay with that? Absolutely! It is an experience!

As I said before, sugar is in everything! If nothing more comes out of this journey, it has opened my eyes to checking the labels on the food I purchase.  I had no idea the oatmeal we used to buy had 15 grams of sugar in it; now I buy the quick oats with zero grams of sugar. Quick fix, but one that would never have happened!

Enough back story becuase today I was completely jazzed at the refined sugar free foods I made for dinner! Does anyone else love their food processor? Because I'm pretty sure we started an intense relationship today!

Today's Dinner Menu:

  • Sautéed beef with peppers and onions - I didn't really know what I was going to make, so I threw some spices in the beef, chopped the peppers and onions and called it a day. When it turned out to be pretty delicious, I was as shocked as Adam was!

  • Cauliflower mash - Have you ever tried this stuff? I have been scouring the internet to perfect this mash for years, but had never quite figured it out before today. Thanks to Rachel over at Plate Full Paleo for the simple (and totally delicious) recipe! 

  • Raw Brownie Bites - This sugar free brownie bite is packed with nutrition AND it satisfies the sweet tooth. If anything, it satisfies a bit too much. Adam and I could hardly pull ourselves away from these little fudge morsels! Kristin Marr at Live Simply shares this amazing recipe filled with walnuts, dates, avocado, coconut oil, vanilla, unsweetened cocoa and honey. Please, make them right this instant. 

  • Banana "Ice Cream" - Frozen bananas + vanilla + food processor = could have fooled me ice cream!

As long as Pinterest keeps providing me with amazing sugar free ideas, this sugar free thing might be better than expected! It is keeping me creative in the kitchen, which I love, and Adam hasn't had any complaints yet! 

I think I could live like this...but I'll let you know in a few days!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

July Date...In August

We have finally gotten to our July date! Below is what Adam found in his 12 Dates of Christmas envelope this month.

This month we are going to gaze at the stars and dream! First, I think it is time to buy that tent we’ve always talked about. Then I’ll pack some food, and we can enjoy nature. The beautiful nature trail right behind the house will give us plenty of places to set up camp. S’mores are calling your name!  While we’re out there, we can rekindle our connection with fun and games. 
Will you keep me warm out in the cold?

To be honest, this month has been a busy one. I would love to say we jumped right at the opportunity to go camping...but we simply didn't get to it! The first week of July was spent on vacation with my family. During the following two weeks, I was staying with Emily and working toward my TAG endorsement at the University of Iowa. We were rearing and ready to go when I returned...but then I decided to have an emergency appendectomy. 

What are you gonna do?

After all of the hubbub, we seriously considered skipping this month. But the thought of skipping a month made me all sorts of upset. We have gotten so much out of these monthly dates! We love them! So instead of skipping the whole thing, we improvised, tweaked, and made it our own. 

Did you expect anything less? 

While I'm feeling quite a bit better after loosing a useless and deadly organ, my core strength isn't top notch, and I still have incisions to keep clean. Taking all of that into account, being in the wonderful wild did not seem like the smartest of ideas. 

Introducing: the camping date in the sunroom! Adam pulled the futon mattress to the middle of the room, we made some not so good for you food, and stared at the stars (also known as Target bistro lights). 

I got to lay next to my wonderful husband, and P.P. was able to join the fun. And the major bonus? We were able to avoid any nasty mosquito bites! 

It was the perfect compromise, and I loved it.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Appendix Update: Lucky Lady

Sometimes things happen. Things that are not pleasant, not happy, not fun. But alas, they must happen.

That is what this appendectomy is to me. It is a thing that had to happen, and I'm so thankful it chose the right time! I'm on summer vacation with no obligations for at least three more days. Plus, my parents are retired and have been able to be here to help each day. Plus Adam checks in whenever the opportunity arrises. He has been an absolute stud. Nonetheless, I found myself starting to get a little frustrated and isolated today.

But here is the thing, I could sit here and wallow about being laid up, or I could make a checklist of victories. I'm choosing the victories.

Silly Little Victories: by Mrs. Appendix-less Fitz

  1. Yesterday, I laid down in bed without any help. 
  2. I made myself some toast.
  3. I sat in a chair for an hour. 
  4. I got out of bed and into the bathroom...all on my own!
  5. I'm eating real food. 
  6. My breathing machine is becoming easier each time. 
  7. P.P. seems to know I'm not doing so well and has been on excellent behavior. 
At this rate, I'll be back to normal in no time. No need to wallow. I choose the positive.

P.P the protector
Bringing me food on his dinner break

Not a pretty picture, but I'm proud that I made toast! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Appendicitis: Surprise!

Let me just start out by saying, my husband is amazing. 

For the last few days, my lower stomach had been bothering me. But considering my medical history, I really didn't give it much thought. We even had a wonderful date from our 12 Dates For Christmas! But yesterday, things got worse...

After a particularly cranky few hours out of me, Adam and I were on our way to get some more over the counter medicine when he convinced me to bite the bullet, and go to the doctor. The pain was bad enough at this point that I was tearing up so I conceded. Off we drove to the walk in clinic in Indianola, about 35 minutes away. We had to make a couple stops in corn fields along the way for me and by the time we arrived, I was not a pretty picture. 

Thankfully, we got right in! They did some tests, decided that it was a kidney infection and told us I would have to spend the night in a hospital for antibiotics and fluids. Under the assumption that it was only minor, we decided to head back to our hometown hospital. 

But why go to two hospitals in one day when you could go to a three? After a cat-scan, we found out it was actually an appendicitis. Fun fact: there are no surgeons in Osceola. Instead of paying for an ambulance (we just started Dave and that was NOT in the budget), we decided to take a road trip up to Iowa Methodist. 

Did I mention my husband is amazing? Through all of this, he was answering questions, making sure I was comfortable, called in to work to be with me, and kept me smiling. He. Is. Wonderful. 

Fifteen hours after what was supposed to be a trip to the drugstore, I was wheeled into the operating room and lost .4 pounds in unnecessary organs. Bye-bye appendix! 

I'm quite thankful that we caught this all when we did, and even more thankful that I have family and friends that checked in on us all day long. 

Looks like I'll have to take a break from my new favorite app for a while! 

Here is to the road to recovery!