Back story: Batman is my favorite superhero because he isn't actually a superhero at all; no toxic sludge, alien parents, or poisonous spiders. He is simply this rich dude, with a tortured past, who has a lot of fun gadgets and a vigilante attitude. In contrast, Adam's favorite superhero is the Man of Steel himself. For the last four years, we have had several discussions about which superhero is the best (wow, we really are nerds), so the fact that he suggested a Batman workout was a very sweet gesture.
Did I mention spring has sprung in Iowa? People are coming out of hibernation, enjoying the sun, and smiling more than they have in months, which is why we decided to enjoy the weather while it lasted and bring this workout out to our front yard. The nice thing about the Batman workout, or any bodyweight workout, is that you don't need a gym. As long as you have enough room to do squats and planks, you are good to go.
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Who wouldn't want to work out to this view? |
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Geeks of Doom |
The Batman Workout: 10 reps each, 10 rounds
- Squats - Adam is always on me about my form: hinge your hips, lift your toes... Even during this workout, I really have to focus on pulling up my toes so my bodyweight is on my heels. Form is important to avoid injury. Check this video out if you need some more pointers.
- Pushups - What a difference a few months can make! Before the wedding, I was pushing out pushups like it was my job. Ten months later, my arms are not quite as ripped as before, so this was a challenge for me after round four.
- Mountain Climbers
- Triceps Dips - We used our front porch as the ledge, but you could also use a chair, bench, whatever you have around.
- Cross Punch Sit Ups - Adam had the brilliant idea to bring our punching bag out on the font lawn. You could just punch the air, but I sure do love hitting a bag. I feel so tough!
- Jumping Lunges - This became my nemesis, but mostly because my legs were torn up from the hill sprints and tire flips.
- Side Plank Crunches - I hadn't done these before, but I sure could feel then come round seven.
- Leg Raises
- Bicycle Crunches - slow and steady
- *BONUS* - Between each round we did hill sprints and tire flips. I'm not quite strong enough to flip the tractor tire alone yet, but it is all about knowing where you are and then pushing yourself!
Like I said, I only made it through seven rounds, but next time I'm going for all ten rounds! It took us around 50 minutes, but if you did a 30 second rest between sets and cut out the bonus, I think it could be done in around 30 minutes.
The most hilarious part of this workout was not workout related at all. Since spring has sprung, so have the kids in our neighborhood. During round two of seven, a few of my students came outside and started riding their bikes in our driveway. For a few minutes, I had the panicked feeling that my students were seeing me out of the teaching element, but that quickly went away when I started punching the bag. It is good for my kids to see me working out and taking care of myself! Hopefully it will inspire them to get more minutes for our classroom Live Healthy Iowa Kids challenge!
Do you have any fun bodyweight workouts that would be great for this time of year? I'm guessing Adam will find a Superman fitness session soon, and I'm looking forward to it. 2014 is the year of fitness and self improvement! Watch out Iowa: soon there's a new superhero in town!
This workout was found on Geeks of Doom.
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