Thursday, March 6, 2014

Coaxed, Cakes, and Chopsticks

I am officially pulling my hair out. Okay, not really, but there were a few moments today that I had the thought, "What am I going to do for the next month?" As I talked about earlier in the week, my student teacher has officially taken over teaching responsibilities...for the next month. Monday was hard for me to give up control. Tuesday and Wednesday brought a strange freedom and surge of energy, but today I was bored out of my mind. I am completely caught up on grading, so I ask, what is a teacher to do who can't teach? Well, I'll tell you.

  1. I pulled small groups when the chance arose. 
  2. I planned an entire geometry unit that I'll never get the chance to teach.
  3. I searched endlessly for some ideas for Emily's birthday cake.
  4. I talked about our vocabulary word this week, urged, and how it means coaxed. 
  5. I ate with chopsticks for the first of 40 days. Wish me Lenten luck!
I'm thinking this list needs to expand quite a bit in the next few weeks, so hopefully there are some brilliant ideas out there for me. 

Moving on, this weekend Adam and I are going to visit Emily (and Paul!) for her birthday. Her birthday is on Tuesday, but we make due with weekend time. Plus, every year we are both in the same state is a win in my book. Can I just mention that I am SO excited to try out my cake decorating skills tonight? I have decided to go with a theme that Emily loves, but will hold off on sharing until this weekend. Stay tuned :-) 

Emily and I being silly: June 8, 2013

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