Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day

Wishing everyone a happy Labor Day! I hope you were able to spend some time with family or friends and enjoy the sunshine!

The Fitz family took a trip to Okoboji to see my old college roommate, Megan, marry the man of her dreams. After all of the rain we have been getting, the absolutely beautiful weather was a blessing. I could not stop smiling at how happy Megan looked and how wonderfully the whole day unfolded. The day was full of love and a couple that was made for each other.

Thankfully, duty called and we had to get back home because the hubs had to work the next day.

Wait, wait, wait...did I just say I was THANKFUL for having to leave a gorgeous lake-view room? I sure did! While I really wish we had been able to spend more time enjoying the water and weather, the weather decided to take a turn for the worse on Sunday. A giant supercell wreaked havoc on the north western parts of Iowa leaving Tornado and Flood warnings in its wake.

Now do you understand why I am thankful we got out of there when we did? Yep. That is called looking at the bright side!

Here are some pictures from our gorgeous 36 hour vacation to Boji!

Playful fun

Gorgeous view out of our doors...and the setting of the wedding!

Mr. & Mrs.

Caught my handsome man eating ;-) 


  1. LOVE her dress, and yours too! Web quest is underway, and so far, so good! I'll be glad to see your face in October! ;0

    1. Glad they are doing well with it! I decided to do it with my 5th graders, and it is going well. I can't wait for iTAG! Now that I'm actually in this position, I have so many more questions :-)
