Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sugar Free: The Way to Be?

A few weeks ago I had a conversation with my dear friend, Amy, about her sugar free experience. She had been up against the same stomach issues I've been dealing with for the last few years when she went sugar free. During her two month sugar cleanse, all these daunting stomach issues went away with an added bonus of a 20 pound weight loss.

I had a hard time imagining a Molly world without sugar. After all, what would I turn to when I had a bad day? Heck, what would I turn to when I had a good day?!

But on my drive home I couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. If sugar free could really get rid of this bloating, twisting, cramping feeling...might it be worth a shot?

The answer ended up being yes! Now, before you roll your eyes and say, "But Molly, what about chocolate?!?!", I have a few tricks up my sleeve. As with any adventure, you have to make it your own; something that will work for you. Sugar is in everything! Sugar is everywhere! And I knew I needed to make my own set of rules. Otherwise, I would cave in less time than a rider gets bucked off a horse. (That is 8 seconds to those of you who aren't as weird as I brother really loved that movie...)

Those of you out there that have succeeded to go completely sugar free are amazing, and my hat is off to you. However, that simply isn't for me. My plan is to eliminate refined sugar. No more mocha cookie coffee creamer. No more bingeing on Blue Bunny. I will have to fill my cravings another way. But I am still allowing fresh fruits because I have a hard time thinking my peach obsession is bad for me.

Will I slip up along the way? Probably. Am I okay with that? Absolutely! It is an experience!

As I said before, sugar is in everything! If nothing more comes out of this journey, it has opened my eyes to checking the labels on the food I purchase.  I had no idea the oatmeal we used to buy had 15 grams of sugar in it; now I buy the quick oats with zero grams of sugar. Quick fix, but one that would never have happened!

Enough back story becuase today I was completely jazzed at the refined sugar free foods I made for dinner! Does anyone else love their food processor? Because I'm pretty sure we started an intense relationship today!

Today's Dinner Menu:

  • Sautéed beef with peppers and onions - I didn't really know what I was going to make, so I threw some spices in the beef, chopped the peppers and onions and called it a day. When it turned out to be pretty delicious, I was as shocked as Adam was!

  • Cauliflower mash - Have you ever tried this stuff? I have been scouring the internet to perfect this mash for years, but had never quite figured it out before today. Thanks to Rachel over at Plate Full Paleo for the simple (and totally delicious) recipe! 

  • Raw Brownie Bites - This sugar free brownie bite is packed with nutrition AND it satisfies the sweet tooth. If anything, it satisfies a bit too much. Adam and I could hardly pull ourselves away from these little fudge morsels! Kristin Marr at Live Simply shares this amazing recipe filled with walnuts, dates, avocado, coconut oil, vanilla, unsweetened cocoa and honey. Please, make them right this instant. 

  • Banana "Ice Cream" - Frozen bananas + vanilla + food processor = could have fooled me ice cream!

As long as Pinterest keeps providing me with amazing sugar free ideas, this sugar free thing might be better than expected! It is keeping me creative in the kitchen, which I love, and Adam hasn't had any complaints yet! 

I think I could live like this...but I'll let you know in a few days!

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