Saturday, October 18, 2014

Little Things, Pretty Things

It is the little things in life. While we have all heard it a million times, lately I'm starting to really get it. The world is busy and daunting most days, but with a yummy cup of coffee, a kiss on the cheek from my husband, or snuggles from Peeps, those worries cease for a moment and good spirits replace the anxiety.

Take this morning for instance; regular Saturday morning with nothing on my radar until after the hubs woke up (he didn't get back from work until about 6:30AM). There is always cleaning, painting, and home repairs to work on, but...

I laid in bed contemplating my next move. Should I stay cuddled up in here for a while, or get up and start my day? The curtains in our bedroom were drawn, and without the light, the prospect of crawling out of bed seemed daunting. Sadly, Mother Nature had other plans that forced at least a small hiatus from my cocoon of warm blankets and soft pillows.

Which is when I saw the SUN! Streaming through the front window was the glorious, amazing, beautiful sun! Had I not emerged from the darkness that was our room, I would have missed out on the perfect morning.

Morning walk - Do I really live in the city limits?

See, it really is the little things. That moment of sunlight on my face energized me to the point cheek hurting smiles. After a long walk (with a rockin' book on "tape") and a mug of freshly brewed coffee, I gave myself an at home pedicure (pretty things!), went to the hardware store to pick up paint for the hallway trim, and basically rocked my solitary morning.

Peeps wanted to help with the pedi.

I wonder what the Mr. is going to think of my peppy mood when he wakes? Hopefully the sun is infectious!

ps. I finally rocked the handstand! It may never happen again, and it may not have been a very long handstand, but I was pretty pleased. #20MOVEment, baby!

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