Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Power of Friends

There has been quite a bit of stress at the Fitz household lately. Between potentially expensive foundation issues on our house, Adam switching shifts at work, and fighting with the mechanic over getting our second car fixed, my "stay strong and carry on" attitude had gradually started to chip away. No part of me wanted to admit aloud that it was getting to me, but...it really was...

Which is why I am so thankful that my best friend only lives 25 minutes away.

Last weekend was the Healthy Hearts, Healthy Minds 5K in Chariton, Iowa. Until her recent retirement semi-retirement, my mom had been the director of mental health services at the Lucas County Health Center. Thus, she organized a 5K on homecoming weekend each year. Even though she is no longer in charge, my family stays involved. In years past, it has always been my duty to stand on a corner and direct/cheer on the participants.

This year... I got to participate myself! Ashlynn, Lincoln (in the stroller while hiding from the cold), and I walked, ran, and skipped 3.1 miles! Ok, so we skipped both literally and part of a block, but we eventually met up with Ash's sister and mother too.

Please take a moment to imagine four grown women skipping a 5K while a 2 year old cheers, "More! More!" and giggles. You're welcome for that amazing mental image.

Moving on! Getting a little #20MOVEment in was a perfect start to a pretty perfect day. The sun was shining and while I wont go into details of the whole day, here is a glimpse of my Saturday with Ashlynn: a tour of construction on the square, visit with Grandma, lunch with my parents, sitting on the couch and chatting about everything and nothing, making protein balls, and playing with my awesome nephew.

Twelve hours later, I arrived back home and gave the hubs a huge squeeze.  He smiled and asked if I had a good time. The only response I could give was, "It was exactly what I needed."

Here is to the power of best friends! Even when they have no idea what they are doing, they bring you back to equilibrium.

Up next weekend: Iowa City and the Hawks with the Miskas! I'm one lucky girl!

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