Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Sunroom's Big Reveal

When we first moved to this house, I had a to-do list about a mile long. "Let's knock this wall out, tear these tiles down, and spend zero dollars!" seemed to be the mantra that filled my skull. It didn't take long for life, school, and a lack of money to slow my roll. Yay adulthood!

I soon realized how much things actually cost, and that I could not do it alone. I painted a few rooms (one room several time..oops!) and did a few minor fixes, but until school let out for the summer, any major home renovations were at a stand still.

Which is why I am THRILLED to have finally completed our first major project!

The sunroom was number one on the list because it had to be done. The space was unsafe and unlivable. Basically, the previous owners of the house had built a deck to the east of the sunroom. Wether the house sunk or the deck was originally a poor design is undecided, but it was built higher than the sunroom floor. The elevation, combined with the fact that there was only a screen door, caused water to leak into the room and rot out the floor and door frame.  The east wall and floor had to be removed and replaced. 

Thank goodness, yet again, for my Mr. Fit-it father! He is our saving grace in home repairs. 

We also decided to replace the screen door with something a bit more sturdy. I even found the doorknobs I wanted for less than $10! I think the new door really makes the room look more livable. 

After all the structural work was complete, I coerced the amazing Emily to come for a visit and help paint the whole room white. We had a blast playing 90's Hits on Pandora, sweating our bums off, and transforming the space to a crisp, clean place relaxation zone. 

But I couldn't leave everything white! Adam and I removed the new door, taped it up, and picked a color. 

I had a serious panic attack before painting it. After all, I had just purchased this beautiful new door. Who am I to paint it?! But, after a few deep breaths and I pep talk from my sweet husband, I dove in...and I LOVE it! 

Pop! It makes me happy every time I see it!

Once everything was painted and put together, I decided to do one last thing. While at my new favorite place, ReStore, I found flooring for only $25 a box! So I called my dad and asked if he would be up for one more sunroom project.

Let's be honest, I'll be calling him for years to come on house projects!

He said yes, and we laid the new floor one Wednesday afternoon. And do you know what? The sunroom is officially my new favorite place! 

I could not be more pleased with how it all turned out! I'm so thankful for all the help from my dad, Emily and Adam. 

Now I just need to figure out how to decorate!

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