Have you heard the new song
#Selfie? It is awful. It is what is wrong with the world. I really, really, really want to hate it...but it is so catchy! Adam and I were driving up to Des Moines on Friday when BAM,
#Selfie came on the radio. At the time, we both laughed at the lyrics and honestly, made fun of it a bit. Little did we know, the song would still be circling in our heads on Sunday! Washing the dishes? Selfie! Cleaning the counters? Selfie! Watching a movie? Selfie! Oh my gracious, I thought my head was going to explode, but I also started secretly loving it. In honor of the song (and our guilt over liking it), we decided to take a few selfies. Feast your eyes on the awesome!
Not to worry, the weekend wasn't entirely filled with selfies. The weather was amazing, so we were inspired to get a few things started in our yard. "Inspired to get a few things started in our yard" is also known as Adam picked up some sticks, while I soaked up the sun and brainstormed. This is our first Spring as homeowners, and there is a ton of work to do to get the lawn, trees, and flowers ready. Neither of us have a very green thumb, so there will be a lot to learn! What plants do we cut back? Which trees need to be trimmed? Do roses grow well in the sun, or would they be better in the back yard? I have been doing some research on Pinterest, of course, but I'm hoping my parents or Ashlynn will come over sometime soon to give me some pointers.
Stay tuned for some great before and afters!
Adam picking up a crazy amount of sticks that dropped in recent storms |
When he helps around the house, my heart fills up. #goodhusband |
Spring has sprung! The first of our MANY plants! |
Finally, I did a massive reorganization on Sunday afternoon. Sadly, I have not figured out a good filing system since we moved to our house in August (way to long!). This is probably largely due to the fact that I haven't purchased a filing cabinet yet, but it is on the list. I promise! Until then, my poor kitchen counters have the burden of paying the price. In fact, I don't think I had seen that countertop in months. Other than bills, all of our mail gets tossed over there.
Before the organization, the counter looked like the aftermath of an earthquake; paper, coupons, and cardboard everywhere. Beyond the mail, Adam's protein and pre workout also lived on the same counter. It was an embarrassing eyesore, but no more! It took me well over an hour, but I am happy to report that it has been cleaned. I cleared a place in the cabinet for Adam's workout powders, and I placed every last paper into a "file, "toss, or "ask Adam" pile. There was quite a bit in the toss pile, and it felt good to purge.
I always feel happier when the house is organized, but even Adam admitted that it made him feel less stressed to see that counter cleared. I call that a win!
After the big clean; I can finally see our wedding photo! |
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